Wednesday, September 26, 2012

All Recipes

At 7:30AM the early crew arrives: the commuter, the early riser, and the boss. We make coffee and ready ourselves for the day ahead. Everyone else trickles in until 8:00AM when we begin. With 10 recipes ahead of us we hit the ground running! The prep chefs have worked hard the day before to make sure that everything is ready for the day ahead. We usually start out with the hardest recipes of the day and work toward the “simplest”. I say “simplest” because an “easy” recipe by common standards does not equal an “easy” recipe by filming standards. Around the workplace we consider the “E” word a four-letter word! Cooking at home is certainly not “easy” but we hope that we can make it at little simpler! Throughout the day we laugh, joke, question, and have moments of shock, excitement, and total exhaustion! We are an ever-changing workplace team! Our recipes are user generated, so our videos are for the at home chef; we area all on our feet from 8AM-6PM bringing tutorial videos to the home chefs of America. Since we are making YOUR recipes we hope that you have enjoyed cooking with us!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Our hands take on Pepperidge Farm and the Today Show

Hopefully you've noticed, but just in case you haven' promised, we're in the process of releasing some new content! Look out for these sweet and savory recipes that we produced with Pepperidge Farm (puff pastry shot in gorgeous high definition, yum!). Trust us, you will be dying to try the Puff Pockets with Smoked Gouda and Apples, and the Pear Tartin...AH-mazing. The videos are currently debuting all across the interwebs. Find them on our website here. Also, check out our channel on Youtube if you haven't already.

As if that isn't exciting enough, Allison Fishman, the owner of our hardworking and talented onscreen hands, was just on the Today show Friday morning. Check out her appearance below, in which she reveals Cooking Light's "Tasties" award winners. Kudos to our favorite chef!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Behind the Scenes in a Handmade Kitchen

The Handmade kitchen studios.

Dear Food-Loving Friends:

So the last time we posted, it was 2009 and we were wrapping up pasta recipes. 2010 has proven to be a repeat of last year-busy, busy, busy,...with no chance of slowing down!

Our latest food collaboration just happens to be with a new partner who is an authority on baked goods. Stay tuned, because we'll be launching the collection of videos this fall, and they're going to be distributed throughout all of our channels online, including Hulu and Youtube. Included are some great new recipes for entertaining that you are sure to love.

The most delicious pear tart. EVER. New recipe included in the collection coming this fall!

In anticipation of the videos, we decided to share some behind the scenes photos from the shoot. Ever wondered what our kitchens are really like? Well here's a little sneak peek...

We shoot in a great studio with a team of incredibly talented foodies and a video crew that captures every detail so beautifully--they are the reason our recipe quality is far superior to any other!

Enjoy the shots (see below), and get in touch-we love to hear from you! Did you know that we recently relaunched our Facebook page?:

Check it out for great ideas, inspiration, and more behind the scenes treats.


The Food-Lovers at Handmade Kitchens

The making of a video recipe...

Our chef and director making video notes.

And, that's a wrap-YUM!!
Photo Credit (all): Michael Berndt

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Thanksgiving, then on to Italy!

Hello friends and fellow foodies! It's been ages since we've updated the blog--but not to worry, good things are happening in our kitchens!

This is an especially busy time of year for us-Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year' many new recipes to test and develop, and so little time! They're coming soon, so just hang in there!

We've also gained some new partners and have had a blast producing brand new videos just for them. The most recent production happened to be for a major Italian pasta company-a delicious collection of amazing, yet simple recipes, which featured some of our favorite ingredients (pecorino, basil, tomato, spaghetti...yum!).

The autumn season tends to nudge us all in the direction of turkey and pumpkin flavored...well, pumpkin-flavored EVERYTHING. Partnering up with a great Italian brand definitely got us in the mood for something different. After Thanksgiving (and the week of turkey leftovers that inevitably follows) is finally OVER, when you are so sick of turkey sandwiches, turkey soups, and turkey salads, you swear you will NEVER eat turkey again, try our recipe for...

Osso Buco! It is the perfect Italian dish for this time of year-comforting, delicious and above all else, different--plus, it presents beautifully (for all those holiday get togethers happening at your house this year!). It's not difficult to make-just takes a little more time than some of our others. Once it's in the oven, use those two hours to get ready for the party. The recipe is on our site-check it out, and if you try it, make sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

We'll leave you with a mouth-watering still of what your osso buco will look like- the mood for Italian yet?

HAPPY THANKSGIVING from the crew at Handmade Kitchens!
(and ps-don't forget, if you need help cooking or carving that turkey, or even a last minute side dish idea-it's all on