Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Our hands take on Pepperidge Farm and the Today Show

Hopefully you've noticed, but just in case you haven't...as promised, we're in the process of releasing some new content! Look out for these sweet and savory recipes that we produced with Pepperidge Farm (puff pastry shot in gorgeous high definition, yum!). Trust us, you will be dying to try the Puff Pockets with Smoked Gouda and Apples, and the Pear Tartin...AH-mazing. The videos are currently debuting all across the interwebs. Find them on our website here. Also, check out our channel on Youtube if you haven't already.

As if that isn't exciting enough, Allison Fishman, the owner of our hardworking and talented onscreen hands, was just on the Today show Friday morning. Check out her appearance below, in which she reveals Cooking Light's "Tasties" award winners. Kudos to our favorite chef!