Monday, January 7, 2008

Food for Football?

Happy New Year!
We've been extra busy around here lately. After much party-planning, video-sharing, and of course, recipe-creating, we can definitely report that we are exhausted...but in a good way. And, we're not ready to stop yet! Come on people, Super Bowl is right around the corner-which means you're hosting or attending yet another party. Granted, Super Bowl parties don't usually fall under the category of "fancy soiree," but they do require a little bit more planning than your typical weeknight dinner. A new year calls for a new approach, so why not suggest something different to your friends and family this year?
We're thinking Potluck. Potluck suppers aren't just for church functions anymore! They're an easy way to entertain a lot of people and experience a lot of food for very little effort. The basic concept is that each person coming to the party brings one dish to share with everyone else. Combine this with Super Bowl Sunday and you'll have one perfect party! And, the best thing about all of this is that we've already pulled together a list of great recipes for you to make and share (and packaged them in a convenient player that we discovered online-see below. If you click on the bottom navigation of the player, you can scroll through all of the recipes we put in it).

Now, possibly, the idea of having something like chocolate pot de creme for Super Bowl, doesn't seem to make much sense. But remember how we were advocating new year, new ideas? Well, here you go! We found that certain recipes, such as this one, worked great for the holidays because they could be made quickly and easily, and always came out tasting absolutely delicious. They will do the same duty for your Super Bowl party.
A lot of these recipes can be made ahead of time and then served potluck-style, as a spread of finger food. Trust us, hungry football fans will appreciate the variety. Chocolate pot de creme is really just a chocolate pudding. It's a quick, no-bake dessert that can be made ahead of time. Plus, unlike cakes or pies, there's no cutting involved-make in seperate ramekins and put out as part of the spread for guests. All you need to know is how many people are coming (and plan on making some extra!). Another great recipe is the baked camembert, which can be assembled and then stored in the freezer for a couple weeks before baking. On game day, take it out and pop it into the oven. It's that simple. And for a fast munchie, try the sugar glazed pecans. One batch will keep a houseful going strong all night.
So, lesson learned today: Super Bowl party does not equal the same old tortilla chips and dip. Have fun. Try something new. And keep on cooking with us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks for doing this, my husband will be excited to try these new dishes.