Monday, January 14, 2008

For the Love of Chocolate

Obviously, the Holiday Kitchen hearts food and cooking in a big way. But we're like everyone else-sometimes we crave certain ingredients more than others and sometimes, we just can't get enough of a good thing. So that's what today's post is for-and some that will surely follow-a dedication to the one food, spice, herb, or general ingredient that is currently driving us crazy and how we're choosing to alleviate the pain. :)

The doctor wouldn't see us if we told him what the ailment was this week...the old sweet tooth. That's right, chocolate. Maybe it was all the candy in our Christmas stockings, but we just can't get enough-and we're not ready to start sticking to any New Year's resolutions yet.

The recipe below is for an amazing little slice of heaven we like to call Chocolate Pecan Pie. It has been known to inspire intense feelings of euphoria-especially great when you're riding high on a chocolate bender. Don't feel bad when you find yourself up at 3am, polishing off the entire thing.
We've been there too. We're there right now.


4 eggs
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of dark corn syrup
3 squares of unsweetened chocolate
2 cups of pecan halves
1 pie shell


1. Preheat the oven to 350 F.
2. In a mixer bowl, place eggs, sugar and dark corn syrup.
3. Attached with a flat beater turn to speed 6 for 1 minute then Stop and scrape the bowl.
4. Reduce the speed to 4.
5. Gradually add melted unsweetened chocolate and beat for 1 minute until well blended.
6. Reduce the speed to stir and add pecan halves.
7. Now pour the mixture into an unbaked pie pastry in an ungreased pie plate.
8. Bake for 35-45 minutes or until slightly soft in the center.

Lots of whip cream and chocolate shavings on top finish off the job.


Brenda Campbell said...

OH MY GOSH! I love the chocolate pecan pie recipe, I am definitely trying that. It puts together my 2 favorite flavors in chocolate and pecans. As it is all for the love of chocolate.. LOL

Handmade Kitchens said...

Glad you liked the post-this is one of our favorites too! It came out absolutely delicious. :)